Welcome To Becoming Me !

This video blog is all about me. I run a business blog right now and a business social network site for women. I am also launching a new venture which is a blog focusing on the lifestyle of Blacks and Hispanics. But this blog here is all about me and my journey to find out who I really am so that I can become the real me. So as I get started you will see me face my toughest challenge, which is my weight. I’ve always had a problem with my weight so I’ve set a goal to drop 100 pounds. The other thing that plagues me is that I am a serial entrepreneur, so I have a daily challenge of staying focused, because so many ideas come to me. They come to me in my sleep and they are all good ideas in my eyes and I want to do them all, so you will see me fight with myself to stay on course of running and growing the two or three businesses that I already have.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

It's Been A While

So it's been a while since I've posted.  Needless to say I fell of the wagon again.  I was doing Weight Watchers for a while, but found it really hard to stay discipline enough to make the program work for me.  It wasn't so much about over eating for me.  It's more about eating enough meals of the right food.  I am terrible at eating the right foods and eating enough.  My day mainly consist of skipping breakfast and having whatever is convient for lunch as long as it is easy and quick.  I've tried to get this under control, but always seem to fall off the wagon.  So I've been considering having the gastric sleeve.  When I spoke to the nutrionist I explained to her that I am not an over eater.  I just don't eat enough of the right things which cause my metabolism to extremely low.  She explained that with the sleeve even when I do eat foods that are not that good for me I would only be able to eat a very small portion and that protein is going to be really important in my transition.  I'm a little excited about getting the VSG.  I've been reading about other people's experience and really understanding how they are managing this very strict lifestyle change.  I'm ready for a big change in a good way.  So I will be coming back a little later to tell you how it's going for me.  I don't have a surgery date yet.

Until Next Time
Make It A Great Day!

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