Welcome To Becoming Me !

This video blog is all about me. I run a business blog right now and a business social network site for women. I am also launching a new venture which is a blog focusing on the lifestyle of Blacks and Hispanics. But this blog here is all about me and my journey to find out who I really am so that I can become the real me. So as I get started you will see me face my toughest challenge, which is my weight. I’ve always had a problem with my weight so I’ve set a goal to drop 100 pounds. The other thing that plagues me is that I am a serial entrepreneur, so I have a daily challenge of staying focused, because so many ideas come to me. They come to me in my sleep and they are all good ideas in my eyes and I want to do them all, so you will see me fight with myself to stay on course of running and growing the two or three businesses that I already have.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Missed My Weigh In

Today was my weigh in at Weight Watchers, but I was so wrapped up in my work that I forgot about it all together.  My work as been one of my problems with this weight thing.  I am getting better though.  I used to be real bad.  I would come down stairs in the morning and go straight to my computer and start working.  Before you know it, it was lunch time and I was starving and now I had to figure out what I was going to eat.  Because I am so bad at planning meals I would grab whatever was quick and near.  What I later found out was that when I didn't eat what I really wanted I would nibble all day long and the calories would probably just add up.

I missed my weigh in, but I am going to try to go to another meeting this week.  This helps me stay on track so I will find another that I can attend.  I am also going to the orthopedic Dr. on Thursday for my knee, hopefully he can give me something for the pain, because I want to join the gym and right now the pain is just too much.

The name of this site is Becoming Me TV.  I have to get back in the mood of video tapping these comments again.  So I am working on that too.  So you see I am just a work in progress.

Until Next Time
Make It A Great Day!

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