Welcome To Becoming Me !

This video blog is all about me. I run a business blog right now and a business social network site for women. I am also launching a new venture which is a blog focusing on the lifestyle of Blacks and Hispanics. But this blog here is all about me and my journey to find out who I really am so that I can become the real me. So as I get started you will see me face my toughest challenge, which is my weight. I’ve always had a problem with my weight so I’ve set a goal to drop 100 pounds. The other thing that plagues me is that I am a serial entrepreneur, so I have a daily challenge of staying focused, because so many ideas come to me. They come to me in my sleep and they are all good ideas in my eyes and I want to do them all, so you will see me fight with myself to stay on course of running and growing the two or three businesses that I already have.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I Need Some Rest

Boy I've had a rough couple of days.  I had a great day on Saturday.  I got a lot of walking in and I ate pretty good, but on Sunday I tasted stuff all day.  See my husband loves to cook and he just set up his own cooking blog.  So on Sunday he was experimenting and I was tasting.  Then on Monday my mom had her surgery to remove the cancerous tumor from her breast, so I spent the whole day at the hospital.  I didn't eat bad, but I don't think I ate enough.  Today was good I at turkey bacon and lettuce on wheat for breakfast and two crab clusters for dinner.  I drank 16 oz of green tea and now about 16oz of water.  I am going to try to get in more water.
My day tomorrow will be long because I will be traveling to Georgia to attend my aunts funeral.  She was the oldest member of my family at 83.  Although I am always happy to see the rest of my family it would be nice if it wasn't for a funeral.
With so much going on I feel extremely tired.  I go to bed tired and I wake up tired.  I know that this is not good, so I have to find out how to relax once I go to sleep so that I don't wake up tired.  So if anyone has any suggestions please let me know.
Until Next Time
Make It A Great Day!

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