Welcome To Becoming Me !

This video blog is all about me. I run a business blog right now and a business social network site for women. I am also launching a new venture which is a blog focusing on the lifestyle of Blacks and Hispanics. But this blog here is all about me and my journey to find out who I really am so that I can become the real me. So as I get started you will see me face my toughest challenge, which is my weight. I’ve always had a problem with my weight so I’ve set a goal to drop 100 pounds. The other thing that plagues me is that I am a serial entrepreneur, so I have a daily challenge of staying focused, because so many ideas come to me. They come to me in my sleep and they are all good ideas in my eyes and I want to do them all, so you will see me fight with myself to stay on course of running and growing the two or three businesses that I already have.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Charting Progress

It's been a while since I've written here.  I think the last time I wrote something was back in November.  So I just wanted to give an update as to where I am in Becoming Me.  Well I am still going to Weight Watchers.  I joined the gym a few weeks ago and I go twice a week.  My mom is finally done with chemo and we are about to start with radiation next Monday.  My 5Linx business is growing rapidly and the closer I start to get to what I call real success I find myself feeling a little down.  I can admit this here on this blog, because after all the blog is titled Becoming Me which means I am sharing all of the stuff that's in my way.  Anyway I am getting really close to true success and I can feel it all through my soul, but what I realize is that what is really intruding on my life has nothing to do with me being successful.  It has everything to do with me being happy.  Success is not going to make me happy.  I realize that now.  Authenticity is going to make me happy.  What that means is that I have to be true to myself in order for me to get the life that I seek.  I have to be brave enough to make the necessary changes that will allow me to be happy and enjoy my success once I've achieved it.  

As time goes on I will share with you some of the things that I feel are standing in my way.  But that's all for now.

Until Next Time
Make It A Great Day!

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